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原野谈文化是当前百家号中的普通号,目前账号百家号权重为2,综合排名位列194231名,文化分类排名位列6083名,领先了82.5%的百家号。 原野谈文化百家号概况 原野谈文化的简介为原野坦荡荡谈文化,不一样的视角。,是一家主旨明确、领域专注的自媒体作者,截止目前为止他们已经在百家号上发布了超过25篇的游戏内容,最近.....
Reflecting the rising social status of merchants, Yuanye applied this ideology to the gardens of the merchant class. In early Qing, as commoners' ownership of gardens increased, Xianqingouji optimised the 'elegant' ideology, and introduced it as a practical design for ordinary citizens' gardens. ...
Borrowing scenery and the landscape that lends - The final chapter of YuanyeMing garden historyjiejingshakkei借景園冶In Dresden, Germany, in 1692, there appeared a book titled Der Orientalisch-Indianische Kunst- und Lust-Grtner. The title suggests that the book is about oriental gardening but ...
園冶Borrowed scenery, in Chinese jiejing 借景, is an idea in garden design conceptualized by modernist architects in the course of the 1960s. The first to propose it, however, was the Chinese garden designer Ji Cheng in his Yuanye 園冶, published in or shortly after 1635, during the waning...