关于为什么蛇人yua..先讲个大前提,yuan-ti这种怪物,第一次出现是在81年的AD&D1e模组I1 - Dwellers of the Forbidden City里。是的,你可以把这个模组翻译成“紫禁城的居民
网络蛇人 网络释义 1. 蛇人 即蛇人(yuan-ti)神祗Merrshaul(Varae),被Set于动荡之年所杀(这个Set就是那位大名鼎鼎的埃及邪神,不用怀疑)Tchazzar 有… tieba.baidu.com|基于37个网页 例句
Yuan-Ti Devious serpent folk devoid of compassion, yuan-ti manipulate other creatures by arousing their doubts, evoking their fears, and elevating and crushing their hopes. From remote temples in jungles, swamps, and deserts, the yuan-ti plot to supplant and dominate all other races and to ...
Yuan-ti (yang-tee) Yuan-ti are an artificial species of serpentine people who are oft viewed as violent, corrupt, and dangerous by many of the mortal races. The Yuan-ti are not a single people as such, and varied greatly. Description The appearance and capability of yuan-ti varies gr...
原体蛇人特质 Yuan-ti Traits 作为一位原体蛇人,你拥有以下角色特质: 生物种类Creature Type。你是类人生物。 体型Size。你的体型为中型或小型。在你选择该种族时选择体型。 速度Speed。你的步行速度为30尺。 黑暗视觉Darkvision。在微光光照下,你身边60尺内可以视为等同于明亮光照。而在黑暗中,该范围内可视为等同...
yuanti 院体(一般指中国宋代翰林图画院及其后宫廷画家的绘画风格亦有专指南宋画院作品者多以花鸟、山水或宗教内容为题材, 讲究法度, 风格华丽) 最新单词 colostrorrhea的中文翻译及用法 初乳溢 colostration的中文意思 初乳病 colossus是什么意思 n. 巨像,巨人 colossians是什么意思及反义词 n. 歌罗西书 colo...
Yuan-ti Incanter Year of the Dragon: Through 21st January, claim your freeDragon Path Aura Footprints! Speak toXatheralin theHall of Heroes. Game mechanics•Newbie guide•In development•DDO Store•Social Media Challenges•Classes•Collectables•Crafting•Enhancements•Epic Destinies•...
网络纯血蛇人 网络释义 1. 纯血蛇人 无冬之夜2泽西尔风暴用户手册部分翻译... ... Gray Orc 灰兽人Yuan-ti Pureblood纯血蛇人Swashbuckler 游荡剑客(基础职业… tieba.baidu.com|基于4个网页
Yuan-ti race Year of the Dragon: Through 26th March, claimDragon Disciplefor free! Speak toXatheralin theHall of Heroes. In addition, if you missed the initial giveaway for a freeBlue Draconic Wingscosmetic feat, you can claim it fromTrilliyain theHall of HeroesonCormyronly through 5th ...