OCG Structures, this Duel Disk has an additional slot as an Extra Monster Zone that opens from the edge of the blade where to summon and place Monsters from the Extra Deck. Despite other models of Duel Disks being used primarily in each series, this version of the Duel Disk has appeared...
With the OCG changing the rules of Ignition Effect Priority in March 2011, it will become the process of unbanning or limiting the Chaos due to their use being more limited. Cards effects like Bottomless Trap Hole can now resolve first without the Chaos monsters using their effect in response...
Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG StructuresLists Members Support Anti-support "Number" (Japanese: No.ナンバーズ Nanbāzu, "Numbers") is an archetype of Xyz Monsters that are the focus of the story in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL anime and manga. Each "Number" monster has a corresponding natural number included ...
Kattobingu (かっとビング) is a term used by Yuma Tsukumo in the original Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL series. In the English dubbed anime, it is usually changed to "feeling the flow" and/or "high five the sky"; in the English manga, to "jetting". The term has no actual meaning, ...