Starter Deck: Joey is a Starter Deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (TCG). Released alongside Starter Deck: Pegasus, they are the third and fourth deck in the TCG's Starter Deck series, following Starter Deck: Yugi and Starter Deck: Kaiba. It is also released in the Yu-Gi-Oh!
Asian-English database ID 5,213 + Belongs to Main Deck + Card image MagePower-SBCB-EN-C-1E.png + Card type Spell Card + and Equip Spell Card + Card type (short) Spell + Chinese lore 裝備怪獸的攻擊力·守備力上升自己場上存在的魔法·陷阱卡每1張500。 + Chinese name 魔導師之力 + ...
2013-12-06YSKR-EN032Starter Deck Kaiba ReloadedCommon 2014-02-06SDCR-EN026Cyber Dragon Revolution Structure DeckCommon 2014-03-28PGLD-EN079Premium GoldGold Rare 2014-07-10YS14-EN024Super Starter: Space-Time ShowdownCommon 2014-11-20NKRT-EN040Noble Knights of the Round Table Power-Up PackPla...
Deck de Démarrage : Le Briseur de Code (fr) +, Starter Deck: Codebreaker (de) +, Starter Deck: Decifratore di Codici (it) +, Deck Inicial: Decifrador de Códigos (pt) + and Baraja de Principiante: Descifrador de Códigos (es) + ...
Starter Deck: Pegasus is a Starter Deck in the Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game (TCG). Released alongside Starter Deck: Joey, they are the third and fourth deck in the TCG's Starter Deck series, following Starter Deck: Yugi and Starter Deck: Kaiba. It is also