The surviving participants of the Junior Youth Division were Nagi, Taka, Moon Shadow, Dennis McField, Gong Strong, Yuya Sakaki, Shay Obsidian and Zuzu Boyle. Rather than playing the Battle Royal as expected, they instead fended off an invasion of Standard Dimension by the Fusion Dimension that...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V: Created by Kazuki Takahashi. With Nawal Lamrini, Mike Liscio, Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld, Daniel J. Edwards. In Miami City, Yuya, a duelist student, unlocks Pendulum Summoning, letting him summon multiple monsters simultaneously, while facin
ARC-Vepisode 134: "Relentless" ↑Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-Vepisode 135: "Time to Reunite!" ↑Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-Vepisode 137: "A Dark Summoning" ↑31.031.1Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-Vepisode 138: "Master of Disaster" ↑Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-Vepisode 143: "Amateur Hour" ...
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Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Yuya Sakaki Yuri Yuto Yugo Zuzu Boyle Celina Lulu Obsidian Rin Gong Strong Sylvio Sawatari Declan Akaba Sora Perse Shay Obsidian Dennis McFieldYu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS Playmaker and Ai Soulburner The Gore Blue Angel Varis Spectre Ghost GalYu-Gi-Oh! SEVENS...
Rin (リン Rin) is a character in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime. She is a reincarnation of Ray Akaba, as well as a dimensional counterpart of Zuzu Boyle (Standard Dimension), Celina (Fusion Dimension) and Lulu Obsidian (Xyz Dimension). She is also Yugo's chil
Mizar Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Yuya Sakaki Yuto Yugo Zuzu Boyle Celina Gong Strong Sylvio Sawatari Declan Akaba Sora Perse Shay Obsidian Dennis McField Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS Playmaker und Ai Soulburner The Gore Blue Angel Varis Spectre Ghost Gal
Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V Shay Obsidian Abilità consentiteLibrati sulle Ali del Coraggio Evoluzione Rapace Il Rapace Ferito Ali della Ribellione Allestire il Nido Fuga Raidraptor Rivolta dei Rapaci Previsione: Alza-Rango-MagicoCarte obbligatorie (1 carta)...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V: Created by Kazuki Takahashi. With Nawal Lamrini, Mike Liscio, Alyson Leigh Rosenfeld, Daniel J. Edwards. In Miami City, Yuya, a duelist student, unlocks Pendulum Summoning, letting him summon multiple monsters simultaneously, while facin
Saya Sasayama (Past): White body, orange trim and greenish-yellow Blade. Shay Obsidian (Past): Purple Body. Yusho Sakaki (Past): White body and yellow blade. The Resistance Model has a similar but different body, a different Deck slot, a round touch screen with a purple body, and ...