Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) 态是指在超导体中由磁性杂质引起的一种局部束缚态。这些态是由Yu、Shiba和Rusivov分别在20世纪60年代理论预测的,因此得名。 在s波kagome超导体中,YSR态的研究尤其重要,因为kagome晶格结构本身具有独特的几何特性和拓扑性质,这使得它在研究新颖的量子现象和新型超导态方面具有很大的潜力。 具...
On a superconductor, bound states emerge inside the superconducting gap called the Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states. Theoretically, quantum impurity problems have been successfully tackled by numerical renormalization group (NRG) theory, where the Kondo and YSR physics are shown to be unified and the...
A magnetic impurity coupled to a superconductor gives rise to a Yu–Shiba–Rusinov (YSR) state inside the superconducting energy gap. With increasing exchange coupling the excitation energy of this state eventually crosses zero and the system switches to a YSR ground state with bound quasiparticles ...
The resulting peaks in dI/dV are referred to as thermal replica of the YSR states. 4.2. Spectroscopy of Yu–Shiba–Rusinov states 4.2.1. Dependence on adsorption site Expectedly, the dI/dV spectra change markedly above single Fe atoms. Fig. 4a shows a spectrum obtained from a Fe atom ...
A Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) state is a localized in-gap state induced by a magnetic impurity in a superconductor. Recent experiments used an STM tip to manipulate the exchange coupling between an Fe adatom and the {m FeTe}_{0.55}{m Se}_{0.45} F e T e 0.55 S e 0.45 {m FeTe}_{0.55...
Yu-Shiba-Rusinov states in phase-biased S-QD-S junctions We study the effects of a phase difference on Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states in a spinful Coulomb-blockaded quantum dot contacted by a superconducting loop. In the limit where charging energy is larger than the superconducting gap, we...
Significant research has recently been conducted into the Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) states in kagome superconductors through theoretical modeling and experimental investigations. However, additional efforts are still needed to further understand the local superconductivity near magnetic impurities in the kagome ...
This gives rise to a long-lived discrete spin-singlet state inside the superconducting gap, known as the Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) state. We study the nature of the subgap states induced by a quantum dot embedded between two small superconducting islands. We show that this system has two spin...
We use a superconducting STM tip for enhanced energy resolution, which enables us to show that impurity states can be tuned through the Fermi level with varying tip-sample distance. We find that the impurity state is of the Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) type, and argue that the energy shift is ...
Magnetic impurities have a dramatic effect on superconductivity by breaking\nthe time-reversal symmetry and inducing so-called Yu-Shiba-Rusinov (YSR) low\nenergy bound states within the superconducting gap. The spatial extent of YSR\nstates is greatly enhanced in 2D systems, which should facilitate...