In the video game, Yu-Gi-Oh! The Falsebound Kingdom, the character representing Pegasus within the virtual world of the game is named Pegasus J. Kroitzel. In Yu-Gi-Oh! Reshef of Destruction, Pegasus takes an alias. In the Japanese version, he takes the name Taiyō Tenma (天馬 太陽,...
Apoqliphort Skybase (en), Base Aérienne Apoqliphort (fr), Apoqliphort-Himmelsbasis (de)+, Basevolante Apoqliphort (it)+, 아포클리포트 카넬 (ko)+, Apoqliphort Base Celeste (pt)+, Base Celestial Aploqlifuerte (es)+and アポクリフォート・カーネル (ja)+ ...
①:以对手场上的1只怪兽为对象可以发动。获得该怪兽的控制权,直至结束阶段为止。以此效果获得了其控制权的怪兽不可攻击宣言,不可解放。+ Simplified Chinese name 精神操作+ Spanish database ID 4,817+ Spanish lore Selecciona 1 monstruo que controle tu adversario; hasta la End Phase, toma el control de...
17 Tome, Kawan De Jesus 18 18 Delgado Portilla, Gerardo Jesus 18 19 Barbosa Hatsbach, Gustavo Henrique 18 20 Oliveira, Gabriel Almeida 18 21 Lerry Dos Santos, Guilherme 18 22 Da Silva Luiz, Michael Verissimo 18 23 Barbosa Capivara, Thiago Felipe 18 24 Fujii de Siqueira, Andre Satoshi 18...
Tragoedia (en)+, 悲愴魔 (zh)+, Tragoedia (fr)+, Tragödia (de)+, Tragoedia (it)+, 트라고에디아 (ko)+, Tragoedia (pt)+, Tragoedia (es)+and トラゴエディア (ja)+ Name (additional) Rōmaji (Toragoedia (ja))+ ...
YuGiOh - Yu-Gi-Oh! Tokens Super Rare - TKN4-EN008 in 1 Wishlist $ 13 95 English - Unlimited - Near Mint of 7 Add to Cart Wanted Mooyan Curry YuGiOh - World Championship 2010 Card Pack Rare - WCPP-EN020 $ 20 79 English - Limited - Near Mint of 5 Add to Cart Wante...
Vente de Jeux de Société et Cartes à Collectionner Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh, DragonBall, Force of Will
Yu-Gi-Oh ! Tome 1Kazuki Takahashi
Yu-Gi-Oh ! Tome 2Kazuki Takahashi
Yu-Gi-Oh ! Tome 3Kazuki Takahashi