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2021-01-21LDS2-FR088Legendary Duelists: Season 2Duellistes Légendaires : Saison 2Common German Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity 2017-03-30DUSA-DE027Duelist SagaDuelist SagaUltra Rare 2019-01-10LED4-DE000Legendary Duelists: Sisters of the RoseLegendary Duelists: Sisters of the RoseSuper...
Field Spell Card+ Property (short) Field+ Romaji name Burakku Gāden+ Ruby Japanese name ブラック・ガーデン+ S/T Class Field Spell Card+ Spanish database ID 7,904+ Spanish lore Si uno o más monstruos son Invocados boca…se monstruo seleccionado de Modo Especial.+ ...
Yu-Gi-Oh!: Avec Toshiyuki Morikawa, Megumi Ogata, Ryôtarô Okiayu, Yumi Kakazu. Yugi Mutou is a shy young boy who has finally completed his grandfather's Thousand-Year puzzle. Little does he realize that this puzzle unleashes an alter ego who challe
2021-01-21LDS2-FR105Legendary Duelists: Season 2Duellistes Légendaires : Saison 2Common German Release dateCard codeSetGerman nameRarity 2014-05-15PRIO-DE093Primal OriginPrimal OriginRare 2014-10-23LC5D-DE098Legendary Collection 5D's Mega PackLegendary Collection 5D's: Mega PackSuper Rare 2021...
Site d'infos et actualité sur les cartes Yu-Gi-Oh : carte Yugioh (achat, vente, echange, booster, deck...), manga Yugioh, dessin animé yugioh, jeux videos yugioh, téléchargements, roms Yugioh, fanwor
5,476+ Portuguese lore Não pode atacar no turno em que for Invoca…e 1 card aleatório da mão do seu oponente.+ Portuguese name Elfos Gêmeos Toon+ Primary type Effect Monster+ Romaji name Tūn Jeminai Erufu+ Ruby Japanese name ...
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