The latest Yu-Gi-Oh! Meta Decks uploaded Filter Meta Decks Meta Decks $90.79 450 600 Live Twin UnchainedI dont know how to play this BootheTowner - 12 hours ago 10 Meta Decks $606.14 780 810 GD FIREGD FIRE
Goha Rush Festival December 2024 - Top 100 Decklists UpdatedDecember 19th, 2024by ItsBradazHD & Jadehex & RandomPl0x & Playmaker EY Tournament Meta Weekly #361 PublishedDecember 17th, 2024by Jadehex & RandomPl0x Tier List Update Tier List Update ...
It’s this ability to both XYZ and Link summon Lyrilusc and Tri-Brigade monsters within the same turn that make this a strong meta deck. Also, thanks to many Lyrilusc cards being low rarity in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel, building this meta deck is relatively easy compared to other high-tie...
YGOPRODeck, your ultimate Yu-Gi-Oh! Database and Deck Share Site. Features a Deck Builder, Price Checker and hundreds of Yu-Gi-Oh! decks! We also host the most comprehensive Yu-Gi-Oh! Card Database available. For all things Yu-Gi-Oh!, check out YGOPRODec
Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel top five meta decks Adventure Prank-Kids Alone at the top of the current Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel meta is the insanely powerful Adventure Prank-Kids set, combining two overpowered archetypes to create a deck few enemies will know how to counter. The synergy between Pran...
UPDATE: Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny gets a chance to have an exclusive Quarter Century Secret Rare card! October 28, 2024PPNSteveLeave a comment Deck Size Increased to 51 Cards To celebrate the 25th Anniversary, an exciting update has been announced for the upcomingStructure Deck: ...
游戏王 银河眼连编年史都可以超越 Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel Theme Chronicle 2024 - GalaxyPhoton 6484 3 36:39 App 高质量新卡补强!QCTB纯朋克卡组构筑分享&combo演示 3933 22 23:25 App 游戏王Master Duel 26赛季的银河眼- Season 26 GalaxyPhoton 2291 7 13:56 App 游戏王Master Duel 梦见卡组 双方互撕...
OurYu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel secret pack listhas all you need to know about how to access these elusive packs, as well as what the best options are for building a deck worthy of platinum rank. From control decks, to those that search and summon at will, there’s a host of different opt...
What is the most overpowered deck in master duel? Zodiac Tri-Brigade is considered one of the most powerful meta decks in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel. It is a very powerful card, as you will be able to put out a strong field using just a single card, however for this to work, you either...
Which deck should you use? Yu-Gi-Oh: Master Duelhas a lot of decks that stand above the rest. For instance, the Kashtira archetype can set up a board that forces every card sent to the graveyard. The meta of theMaster Duelchanges with each new archetype release and ban list. As of...