2025/2/14 關於『Primite Dragon Ether Beryl』卡牌效果文錯誤的道歉及修正通知 2024/12/30 亞英禁止/制限卡表 (2025/01)現已更新! 禁止/制限卡表 (2025/01)現已更新! 2024/9/24 禁止/制限卡表 (2024/10)現已更新! 2024/7/10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Open Tournament– 新加坡 2024比賽活動網站已經更新!
2024/12/30The English Edition for ASIA Forbidden / Limited Card Lists(2025/01) updated!The Forbidden / Limited Card Lists (2025/01) updated! 2024/9/24The Forbidden / Limited Card Lists (2024/10) updated! 2024/7/10Yu-Gi-Oh! Open Tournament– Singapore 2024 event site updated!Top...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Online is an online PC game released in Nov 2005 by Konami, based on the Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG players of the game can duel each other online..
Microsoft, the Xbox Sphere mark, Xbox One logo, Series X|S logo, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. ©2025 Valve Corporation. Steam and the Steam logo are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Valve Corporation in the U.S. and/or ot...
In Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Lost Duels play 2 pre-constructed decks, Masked HERO Deck and Darkness Deck. Includes additional duels in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Campaign and...
-Kartenspiel eine leidenschaftliche Fangemeinde und wächst mit jeder neuen Serie und Erweiterung. Bis heute feiern Fans die originalen Mangas, die über 1.000 Folgen der mittlerweile acht Yu-Gi-Oh!-Serien sowie das Yu-Gi-Oh! TRADING CARD GAME und die Yu-Gi-Oh!-Videospiele....
透過逍遙模擬器,在電腦上下載遊戲王 決鬥聯盟(Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links),享受大熒幕的暢快體驗。 《遊戲王》化作手機應用程式登場!
YGOPRO TDOANE is a free automatic Yu-Gi-Oh! online game built on the ygopro engine. Download YGOPRO and start dueling against players worldwide.
Once you login to your KONAMI ID you will be able to link your COSSY ID / CARD GAME ID with your KONAMI ID. The following screen appears: If you play Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links you may have already created a KONAMI ID to access certain features. If that is the case, you can also use...
Yu-Gi-Oh! MASTER DUEL is free-to-play with in-game purchases available. Game data can be linked across multiple platforms. Master the basic rules of the game as you play! Solo Mode includes "Tutorial" and "Duel Strategy" Master the Summoning methods - including Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, an...