禁止/制限卡表 (2024/10)現已更新! 2024/7/10 Yu-Gi-Oh! Open Tournament– 新加坡 2024比賽活動網站已經更新! 2024/6/12 禁止/制限卡表 (2024/07)現已更新! 2024/5/20 TACTICAL-TRY DECK 公認店大會 2024/4/30 Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship Qualifier 2024...
Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny Release Celebration– Latin America 02/12/2025 – 02/23/2025 TEAM Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series San Salvador, 2025– San Salvador 03/01/2025 – 03/02/2025 TEAM Yu-Gi-Oh! Championship Series
(Note: Duelists are only allowed to use Yu-Gi-Oh! Official card sleeves or solid color card sleeves without any designs) Regionals The Regionals are a series of swiss format tournaments that are held around the Asia Region countries. Through the Regionals, duelists will get a chance to prepar...
Yu-Gi-Oh! Wiki 136,006 pages Explore Yu-Gi-Oh! Game terms Cards Media in: Cards by effect properties Special Summons from your Deck Sign in to edit This Property entry details every card that can Special Summon a monster(s) from your Deck. ...
Phonetic name Amazonesu Kunrensei + Portuguese database ID 8,962 + Portuguese lore Monstros destruídos em batalha com este card são devolvidos para o fundo do Deck em vez de serem colocados no Cemitério. Se este card destruir um monstro do oponente em batalha: ele ganha 200 de ATK. ...
The latest Yu-Gi-Oh! Meta Decks uploaded toygoprodeck.com. Filter Meta Decks Meta Decks $90.79 450 600 Live Twin UnchainedI dont know how to play this BootheTowner - 12 hours ago 10 Meta Decks $606.14 780 810 GD FIREGD FIRE
The latest Branded type Yu-Gi-Oh! decks uploaded toygoprodeck.com. Non-Meta Decks $99.04 540 960 Branded autumn 2024Another Fusion deck tendo35 - 1 hour ago 10 Meta Decks $692.34 390 1140 Branded AzaminaThe future of Branded. Ogi the man ...
What is the most overpowered deck in master duel? Zodiac Tri-Brigade is considered one of the most powerful meta decks in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel. It is a very powerful card, as you will be able to put out a strong field using just a single card, however for this to work, you either...
3 days into the launch of Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel, many players have attained the highest rank, Platinum Tier 1, in the current Season 1. This article will discuss the initial Master Duel metagame based on the collected deck lists shared by players that made Platinum Tier 1 and showcase ...
To win using an Eldlich deck in Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel, it is imperative that you summon Eldlich the Golden Lord in your first turn if possible. Aim to go first if you win the coin toss, as the deck’s large number of negation effects in the form of hand traps and cards like Skil...