The Ignis (イグニス, Igunisu) are AI with free will from the Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS anime, created by Dr. Kogami through the Hanoi Project.[1] They created and inhabit the Cyberse World. According to Varis, the Ignis will one day be the end of humanity.[2] For
Yubel is the primary antagonist of the Dimension World arc of the Yu-Gi-Oh! GX anime. A malevolent Duel Monster whose card was in Jaden Yuki's possession when he was a child, Yubel was previously obsessed with her love for Jaden. She is later redeemed af
... more about "Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL - Episode 114" RDF feed English air date July 14, 2014+ English episode name Tentacles of Terror, Part 1+ Episode number 114+ Episode season number 2+ Episode series Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL+ Episode summary ...
Yuto, spelled Ute[5][6][7][8][9][10] (ユート Yūto) in the Japanese version, is one of the characters in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime. He is the Xyz Dimension counterpart of Yuya Sakaki (Standard Dimension), Yuri (Fusion Dimension) and Yugo (Synchro Dimensi
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With all the effects firing left and right, you might get confused as to how exactly you resolve anything in Yu-Gi-Oh. This is where theChainsystem comes in. How high can you go? I think my record is 7. Any time an effect is activated, whether that’s because a monster...
At the conclusion of the Duelist Kingdom arc, Yami Bakura rips Pegasus's Millennium Eye out, instantly putting an end to his life. Pegasus reappears several times in the Yu-Gi-Oh! anime and its sequel series, Yu-Gi-Oh! GX and Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's. In the manga, ...
Yu-Gi-Oh!isn't the onlymangawith a far more cheerful anime counterpart, but it's one of the most memorable. 1 Yami Bakura Defeats Pegasus By Tearing His Eye Out Photo: Viz Media Pegasus meets a gruesome end in the manga. At the conclusion of the Duelist Kingdom a...
"Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie" operates on a premise that all boys want to grow up to be "master duelists" in a world of villainous monsters. It’s a model that history bears out, and one that attracts many young male viewers more obsessed with their cartoon alter egos than with their potenti...
You are as fond of the Yu-Gi-Oh TCG as Andi. Check out his Yu-Gi-Oh blog over yonder. Well that should be enough to keep you busy for the time being. All that remains for me to say right now is have yourself a geekily good time on my new blog! I am looking forward to your...