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Meaning of life 长图 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ8 c +关注 中国书画诗词院被ytz_梓快转了 2023-9-30 00:00 “ 海上生明月,天涯共此时 ... ” û收藏 256 58 ñ849 c +关注 中国书画诗词院被ytz_梓快转了 2023-9-17 11:28 “ 江西婺源...
On the one hand, a socialist society like China must be a society with a high level of development, meaning that the level of productivity must exceed the highest level that could be (and has been) achieved under other sorts of system. In this sense, China's pursuit of common prosperity...
Quassel IRC - distributed IRC client, meaning that one (or multiple) client(s) can attach to and detach from a central core. (Source Code) GPL-2.0 C++ Robust IRC - RobustIRC is IRC without netsplits. Distributed IRC server, based on RobustSession protocol. (Source Code) BSD-3-Clause ...
An American literary theorist and novelist, Kenneth Burke, once said, “Wherever there is persuasion, there is rhetoric, and wherever there is rhetoric, there is meaning.” (Burke) Barack Obama, Martin Luther King Jr. and Fannie Lou Hamer all delivered powerful persuasive speeches that will go...
In the enormous collection of literature attributed to her, Mabel admitted to having neurotic and sociopathic tendencies; she was a hypocrite, believed power and authority gave her life meaning, and acted out of emotion in most life situations. Although she admitted to being a person of ...
we cannot avoid suffering but we can choose how to cope with it, find a meaning in it, and move forward. 我们不能避免痛苦,但可以选择如何应对;要在苦难中寻找意义,并将其化作前行的动力。——维克多·弗兰克尔《活出生命的意义》 #认知 #每日英语 #每日一读 #名言 we cannot avoid suffering but ...
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