我是来备份一个可以不用翻墙就能下载YTB视频的网站 : OYouTube to MP4 & MP3 Converter and Video D... 把YTB视频的地址放在Media URL to Download栏里continue一下,就会出来各尺寸的视频,在Detected Media里选择好要下载的视频之后star!就会出现新页面分析出下载地址点download按钮保存文件即可! 1080i的YTB视频馁...
Why EasyWMA is the best YouTube to MP4 Converter It's free: This converter doesn't cost a single penny. You can use it as many times as you want without any limitations. It's fast: The conversion process is pretty quick. Depending on your internet connection, it shouldn't take more ...
YTBsaver is an 100% safe online YouTube to MP3 converter. Freely convert YouTube video music songs to MP3 audio in original high quality.
Can YTBvideoly convert a YouTube video to MP3? Of course, you can. With our YouTube video download converter, you can easily and safely convert all your videos to MP3, MP4, or other video formats. Q6 Does it need to login to download youtube videos?
YTBsaver is an 100% safe online YouTube to MP3 converter. Freely convert YouTube video music songs to MP3 audio in original high quality.
Can YTBvideoly convert a YouTube video to MP3? Of course, you can. With our YouTube video download converter, you can easily and safely convert all your videos to MP3, MP4, or other video formats. Q6 Does it need to login to download youtube videos? No, you do not need to login...
使用ffmpeg适配多码率对mp4等视频进行转码后可以得到类似以下的索引文件, 可以看到索引文件下面包含了对应带宽的多码率流, 每条流下面是对应的视频切片. http://devimages.Apple.com/iphone/samples/bipbop/bipbopall.m3u8 .m3u8索引文件 https://dash.akamaized.net/akamai/bbb_30fps/bbb-manifest-refresh.mpd ...
yt = YouTube(url) stream = yt.streams.filter( progressive=True, file_extension=args.extension, ).order_by('resolution').desc().first() if stream is None: continue print(stream) file_path = stream.download( output_path=args.output_dir, ...
specialforcewo 转播了一些SF的视频 来自YTB的http://u.youku.com/y18002333669 分享22赞 num吧 单纯为找资源 【视频】九月视频,ytb,模特舔屏向,共剪辑成两段,此为B 08:35· 播放7203 62231 艾尔之光吧 爪龍連牙斬 【YTB搬运】[台服]艾尔之光HA演示视频(改版MOD)yotube源地址:http://www.youtube.com...
摘要:首先需要把mp4格式的文件转成ts格式。拼接好之后,再将ts封装格式转换回mp4。 ffmpeg -i 1.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb 1.tsffmpeg -i 2.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec co 阅读全文 posted @ 2018-08-16 14:32 hqqq 阅读(2407) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑 ffmpeg...