I want to download the video and audio with a set resolution and finally stream them back, but this operation will not merge the video and audio, and all I get is video.The console does not print the merged information, such as [Merger] Merging formats into. I referred to #3298 and ...
yt-dlp -f'bv[height=1080][ext=mp4]+ba[ext=m4a]'--embed-metadata --merge-output-format mp4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1La4QzGeaaQ -o'%(id)s.mp4' 将最佳音频转换为 mp3 文件: yt-dlp -f'ba'-x --audio-format mp3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1La4QzGeaaQ -o'%(id)...
For some reason, it now tries to download the default "bestvideo+bestaudio" format instead of just "bestaudio", and fails to merge at the "Merger" stage. Additionally, it seems to be trying to execute commands which seems to be Python functions and variables in the program that might hav...
ffmpeg and ffprobe - Required for merging separate video and audio files, as well as for various post-processing tasks. License depends on the build There are bugs in ffmpeg that cause various issues when used alongside yt-dlp. Since ffmpeg is such an important dependency, we provide custom ...
mpv --referrer="https://www.bilibili.com";-v --no-resume-playback --start=13https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1PV4y177LE 编辑切换为居中 二、国内的开源 you-get 替换方案: 鉴于youtube-dl/youtube-dlc/yt-dlp对国内视频网站的支持和更新力度,推荐大家使用you-get方案。操作如下: ...
mpv --referrer="https://www.bilibili.com" -v --no-resume-playback --start=13 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1PV4y177LE 二、国内的开源 you-get 替换方案: 鉴于youtube-dl/youtube-dlc/yt-dlp对国内视频网站的支持和更新力度,推荐大家使用you-get方案。操作如下: ...
mpv --referrer="https://www.bilibili.com";-v --no-resume-playback --start=13https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1PV4y177LE 编辑切换为居中 二、国内的开源 you-get 替换方案: 鉴于youtube-dl/youtube-dlc/yt-dlp对国内视频网站的支持和更新力度,推荐大家使用you-get方案。操作如下: ...