drtv: Fix extractor (#11141) by 444995 funk: Extend _VALID_URL (#11269) by seproDev gem.cbc.ca: Fix formats extraction (#11196) by DavidSkrundz generic: Impersonate browser by default (#11206) by Grub4K imgur Fix thumbnail extraction (#11298) by seproDev Support new URL format (#1...
Each playlist item redirects to a URL likehttps://www.modelhub.com/video/ph5fd3531b21acewhose media can at a minimum be extracted as HTML5 using the generic extractor. This comment was marked as duplicate. Sign in to view This comment was marked as resolved. ...
The different file types supported are subtitle, thumbnail, description, annotation (deprecated), infojson, link, pl_thumbnail, pl_description, pl_infojson, chapter, pl_video. E.g. -o "%(title)s.%(ext)s" -o "thumbnail:%(title)s\%(title)s.%(ext)s" will put the thumbnails in a ...
--extractor-descriptions列出所有支持的解析描述(列出可支持网址名称? --live-from-start从开始下载直播流(仅支持ytb,实验性功能 --no-live-from-start从当前时间开始下载直播流 --wait-for-video MIN[-MAX]等待预定的视频,一个参数是不断重复请求的时间间隔,两个参数是随机时间间隔的范围,单位秒 视频格式选项 -...
Extractor changes soundcloud: Various fixes (#11820) by bashonly youtube Add age-gate workaround for some embeddable videos (#11821) by bashonly Fix uploader_id extraction (#11818) by bashonly Player client maintenance (#11893) by bashonly ...
Some extractors accept additional arguments which can be passed using --extractor-args KEY:ARGS. ARGS is a ; (semicolon) separated string of ARG=VAL1,VAL2. Eg: --extractor- args "youtube:player-client=android_embedded,web;include_live_dash" --extractor-args "funimation:version=uncut" The...
[extractor] Support default implicit graph in JSON-LD by zmousm Allow --no-write-thumbnail to override --write-all-thumbnail Fix --throttled-rate Fix control characters being printed to --console-title Fix PostProcessor hooks not registered for some PPs Pre-process when using --flat-pl...
Extractor changes banbye: Fix extractor (#10332) by PatrykMis, seproDev murrtube: Fix extractor (#9249) by DrakoCpp zaiko: Support JWT video URLs (#10130) by pzhlkj6612 Postprocessor changes embedthumbnail: Fix embedding with mutagen (#10337) by bashonly Misc. changes ...
Thumbnail Options: Internet Shortcut Options: Verbosity and Simulation Options: Workarounds: Video Format Options: Subtitle Options: Authentication Options: Post-Processing Options: SponsorBlock Options: Extractor Options: CONFIGURATION Configuration file encoding Authentication with netrc Notes about environment...
q= , filling out the appropriate issue template. Confirm you are on the latest version using yt-dlp -U File"/usr/local/bin/yt-dlp/yt_dlp/extractor/common.py", line 680,inextract ie_result = self._real_extract(url) File"/usr/local/bin/yt-dlp/yt_dlp/extractor/youtube.py", line ...