Part 1. Official Version: Free Download Youtube Music APK Mod [Nov 2024 Updated] Youtube Music Mod APK is a modified version of the official Youtube Music app, designed to provide premium features at no cost. With the latest update in November 2024, users can access a range of benefits ...
YT Music++ is an application that is a tweaked version of the original application and this application is developed by Cydia developers and a completely free-to-use and open-source application. This mod version of the application has many features like ads-free music, downloading audio offline,...
Moreover, the Powerdirector mod apk lets you add photos, sounds or voice-over, or background music to your video other than the adorable stickers to express your video further. You can now enjoy every type of effect and filter to put over your videos. Also, export your magnificent project...
Extract more formats for youtube music by craftingmod, coletdjnz and pukkandan Extract multiple subtitles in same language by pukkandan and tpikonen Redirect channels that doesn't have a videos tab to their UU playlists Support in-channel search Sort audio-only formats correctly Always extract max...
IMPORTANT: PRs without the template will be CLOSED Description of your pull request and other information Changes: Added support for music and artists, movies and movie listings Does not retrieve...
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