(experimental) --no-ignore-no-formats-error Throw error when no downloadable video formats are found (default) --skip-download Do not download the video but write all related files (Alias: --no-download) -O, --print [WHEN:]TEMPLATE Field name or output template to print to screen, ...
DO NOT REMOVE OR SKIP THE ISSUE TEMPLATE I understand that I will be blocked if I intentionally remove or skip any mandatory* field Checklist I'm reporting that yt-dlp is broken on a supported site I've verified that I have updated yt-dl...
参考:https://mpv.io/manual/master/#screenshot# 截图模板,指定文件名称,默认为(mpv-shot%n)screenshot-template=mpv-shot-%f-%Pscreenshot-png-compression=8# 指定保存格式(默认为jpg)# screenshot-format=jpg # 截图保存目录(默认在脚本运行目录)screenshot-directory=~/mpv-www-gen...
@Overridepublicvoidbind(Nifty nifty, Screen screen) {//ListBox listBox = screen.findNiftyControl("myListBox", ListBox.class);//listBox.addItem("a");//listBox.addItem("b");//listBox.addItem("c");ListBox<JustAnExampleModelClass> listBox = (ListBox<JustAnExampleModelClass>) screen.find...
end is reached#autofit-larger=100%x95% # resize window in case it's larger than W%xH% of the screen#cursor-autohide-fs-only # don't autohide the cursor in window mode, only fullscreen#input-media-keys=no # enable/disable OSX media keyscursor-autohide=1000# autohide the curser ...
end is reached#autofit-larger=100%x95% # resize window in case it's larger than W%xH% of the screen#cursor-autohide-fs-only # don't autohide the cursor in window mode, only fullscreen#input-media-keys=no # enable/disable OSX media keyscursor-autohide=1000 # autohide the curser ...
keep-open # keep the player open when a file's end is reached #autofit-larger=100%x95% # resize window in case it's larger than W%xH%of the screen #cursor-autohide-fs-only # don't autohide the cursor in window mode, only fullscreen ...
The VREF formulas for drivers I have tested are as follows: A4988 The typical sense resistor value is 0.1. Please check your drivers to be sure. VREF = 8 x max current x sense resistor value</
(experimental) --no-ignore-no-formats-error Throw error when no downloadable video formats are found (default) --skip-download Do not download the video but write all related files (Alias: --no-download) -O, --print [WHEN:]TEMPLATE Field name or output template to print to screen, ...
[href*="/mobile/webapp/place/linesearch/foo=bar/from=place&end=word"], [data-url*="/mobile/webapp/place/linesearch/foo=bar/from=place&end=word"], .hotel-widget-detailpoicard .buttons .callnatohere { display: none !important; } #list-container .features > li:nth-child(2) { borde...