Docker部署yt-dlp 一、简介 一个简单的网站视频下载工具 二、安装yt-dlp 绿联DX4600 为例,首先我们打开 Docker 管理器,进入镜像管理,然后在镜像仓库中搜索marcobaobao/yt-dlp-webui,选择latest 版本并下载。 下载完成后,我们在本地镜像中找到刚刚下载的镜像,点击创建容器,起一个英文名,勾选创建...
yt-dlp在本地命令行操作太麻烦,看社区有人分享使用yt-dlp-webui实现可视化操作,实际使用后感觉页面太丑,可配置性太低,操作也比较反人类,所有找了个顺手点的替代:Metube,下面是以绿联DX4600为例的部署步骤。 镜像下载及容器配置 选择latest(最新)版本 下载完成后,在本地镜像中找到刚下载的镜像,点击创建容器,取个...
YT4KDownloader是软件yt-dlp〖yontube-dl的一个分支,yontube-dl项目不再维护,而yt-dlp继续维护〗的一个UI封装版本。 工作核心是目录中的youtube-dl.exe和ffmpeg.exe。其中youtube-dl.exe负责实现从Youtube下载视频文件到本地,而ffmpeg.exe负责视频文件合并或转换。 后续如果yt-dlp.exe 更新了,就直接去yt-dlp的...
guituiytdlyt-dlyt-dlpyt-dlp-wrapperyt-dlp-gui UpdatedDec 23, 2024 Python bigsk1/yt-webui Sponsor Star10 Code Issues Pull requests A web-based user interface for yt-dlp, allowing easy video downloads from YouTube and other supported platforms. ...
yt-dlp Web UI A not so terrible web ui for yt-dlp. Created for the only purpose of fetching videos from my server/nas. Intended to be used with docker and in standalone mode. 😎👍 Developed to be as lightweight as possible (because my server is basically an intel atom sbc). The...
As before server address is not specified or simply yt-dlp process takes a lot of time to fire up. (Forking yt-dlp isn't fast especially if you have a lower-end/low-power NAS/server/desktop where the server is running) Docker installation docker pull marcobaobao/yt-dlp-webui docker ru...
pyinstaller--name=yt-dlp-gui--clean-y ./ui/assets/yt-dlp-gui.ico--noconsole The executable will be ready at: ./dist/yt-dlp-gui Manual YoumusthavePython3.9+ installed. Clone the repository onto your local machine:
A terrible web ui for yt-dlp 🙄. Designed to be self-hosted. - yt-dlp-web-ui/server at master · dj3500/yt-dlp-web-ui
If you are using a UI for youtube-dl, report the bug to the maintainer of the actual application providing the UI. On the other hand, if your UI for youtube-dl fails in some way you believe is related to youtube-dl, by all means, go ahead and report the bug....
As before server address is not specified or simply yt-dlp process takes a lot of time to fire up. (Forking yt-dlp isn't fast especially if you have a lower-end/low-power NAS/server/desktop where the server is running) Docker installation docker pull marcobaobao/yt-dlp-webui docker ru...