特雷费尚的伊斯特维斯桥(The Ystwyth bridge at Trefechan) 阿丰·伊斯特维斯会见阿丰·莱伊多(Afon Ystwyth meets Afon Rheidol) 阿丰·伊斯特维斯, 阿伯里斯特威斯(Afon Ystwyth, Aberystwyth) Cwmystwyth仰望阿丰伊斯特维斯山谷(Cwmystwyth looking up the Afon Ystwyth valley) ...
Cwmystwyth 作者:Frederic P·Miller/Agnes F·Vandome/John McBrewster 页数:88 ISBN:9786135535587 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价
Cwmystwyth Waterfall 1.6全年全天开放 实用攻略 National Cycle Rte 81, Aberystwyth SY23 4AG, United Kingdom 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 The White Horse ¥89/人 西餐 直线距离23.1km The Hive ...
摄图新视界提供威尔士 Cwmystwyth 废弃铅矿区图片下载,另有英国,寒武系,锡尔迪金,关闭,cwmystwyth,废弃,废弃,欧洲,景观,领先,排雷,采矿,没人,远程,江图片搜索供您浏览下载,每张图片均有版权可放心商用,您正在浏览的图片为1jk2wo
The article reports on the decision of the Crown Estate Commissioners of Great Britain to sell its historic Cwmystwyth Mines to special preservation trust Cambrian Mines Trust, where the trust is responsible for the preservation and maintenance of the ancient Welsh mine in 2013....
华威道(Cwmystwyth Road) 乙4574 在Cwmystwyth(The B4574 at Cwmystwyth) 南华仙, Cwmystwyth(Nant Watcyn, Cwmystwyth) 被毁坏的矿工之家(Cwmystwyth ruined miners house) 附近的CWmystwayth(Cwmystwyth at Neint) Cwmystwyth的牛栏(Cattle grid at Cwmystwyth) ...
(2003). Excavations on Copa Hill, Cwmystwyth (1986–1999): An early Bronze Age copper mine within the uplands of Central Wales [BAR British Series 348] . Oxford: Archaeopress.Timberlake, S. 2003. Excavations on Copa Hill, Cwmystwyth (1986-1999): ...
A palaeoenvironmental investigation of sediments from the prehistoric mine of Copa Hill, Cwmystwyth, mid-Wales. Journal of Archaeological Science 29, 1161e1188.Mighall TM, Timberlake S, Clark SHE, Caseldine AE (2002) A palaeoenvironmental investigation of sediments from the pre- historic Mine ...
Early mineworking on Copa Hill, CwmystwythTimberlake, SSwitsur, R