YAMAHAYSP-2200说明书(1)用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 虽YAMAHA Y 三户 - 僵伺口品 C(YSP-CU22ODO + NS-SVVP6ODOD] DIEBIttL Sor1d ProjectorIM OWNERS MANUAL To assure the finest performance, Please read this manual 19 When using this unit for a long time, this unit ...
雅马哈YSP-2200快速使用说明书.pdf,Installation Connection Settings Playback Installation Connection Settings Playback UCTABGLV Install YSP-2200 Connect your TV and Blu-ray disc player ● Install this unit in the exact center of the wall when it is measure
由於右方客廳空間問題,在 Manual Setup 中增加「Channel Level 」右方環繞音效 (Right Lv & Sur R) ,減低中置音量 (Center) ,環繞聲效果會稍為提升,設定後,現在才算是正式開始 YSP-2200 Sound Bar 的環繞聲播放工作。YSP-2200 還有 Image Location 這個選項,由於耳朵不靈光,留待日後才作出調整。 經過人手設定...
(4)User-friendly English manual for machine using and maintaining4.Our srvices?(1)One-stop service, meet needs of the customers from individuals to international companies.(2)OEM service accepted.(3)Separate trading office: Jaya Trading with 30 experienced sales offeri...
雅马哈YSP-2200音响说明书文件下载,文件大小为,pdf文件请用Adobe Reader等文档阅读器查看,bin文件请使用编程器进行刷机操作...