The YSM10 has been developed to bring further improvements in both speed and versatility as well as investment efficiency as a compact, high-speed modular entry model for the YSM series. The company takes advantage of its full line-up of surface mounters, solder paste printing equipment, ...
YAMAHA YSM10 PICK AND PLACE MACHINE YAMAHA YSM10 NEW AND USED MACHINE YAMAHA YSM10 features: 1. The entry-level model of the surface mounting machine that achieves the world's fastest ※ 46000CPH performance in the same grade of 1 beam and 1 mounting head; 2. Compared with previous mod...
WxPython, and Remi (browser-based) GUI frameworks into a simpler interface. The window definition is simplified by using Python core data types understood by beginners (lists and dictionaries). Further simplification happens by changing event handling from a callback-based model to a message passing...
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Model: Yamaha YS12/YF12/YSM20R Category: Pick and Place/Feeders Model Year: 2010 Condition: used Location: Guangdong, China Contact SCAN SMT IF YOU HAVE ANY MODEL, PLES LET ME KNOW. WAITING FOR YOUR OFFER, THANKS. 2284441337@QQ.COM WWW.SCANSMT.COM...