YSL-350C Specifications Level Standard Compact Tenor Key of Bb Bore M: 0.500"-0.525"; Dual bore Bell Diameter 8" Shank Medium Leadpipe Yellow Brass; Fixed Body Material Yellow Brass Weight Standard Finish Clear Lacquer Inner Slide Chrome-plated Nickel Silver Outer Slide Brass; Drawn; One-piece...
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雅马哈YSL-350C 点击查看大图 品牌:雅马哈 型号:YSL-350C 价格:10560元 级别:高级 规格: 单位: 产地: 供应商: 点击:9665次 发布日期:2015/6/22 10:49:13 产品介绍:
Brass & Woodwinds Trombones YSL-350C Features YSL-350C Compact Trombone Overview Features Specs Downloads History Slide positions Identical to a standard trombone's positions so there is no need to learn new positions.Ascending Bb / C rotor The rotor allows the player to use alternate pos...
YSL-350C Compact Trombone Overview Features Specs Downloads History Many children are fascinated by the trombone. It has a strong and pleasing tone which can slide smoothly from note to note, and it's visually exciting—-it looks fun! But unlike most other instruments, most trombones ...
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Musical Instruments Brass & Woodwinds Trombones YSL-350C History YSL-350CCompact Trombone History ModelYSL-350C Years2001- KeyBb/C Bore.500" Bell Size8" Current ModelCurrent Home Products Musical Instruments Brass & Woodwinds Trombones YSL-350C History...