自从去年8月开始尝试各种粉底和底妆,我终于找到了一款适合日常妆效的大牌粉底,而且价格还不贵——圣罗兰YSL Nu轻薄粉底(skin tint)。 我的皮肤情况 🌟🌟🌟我是干敏皮,熟龄肌,两颊有晒斑和黄褐斑,整体肤色不均。鼻周毛孔明显,抬头纹明显,还有鼻梁横纹和法令纹。虽然不太清楚自己是黄皮、绿皮还是中性皮,但一般...
Discover the world of Nu by YSL beauty. Not quite makeup, more than skincare but optimal benefits from both worlds. Shop skin tint, primer, moisturizer & more.
Shop NU collection, a skincare-makeup hybrid collection with primer and moisturizer to enhance your skin without ever hiding its signature.
YSL粉底液测评:浮粉卡粉大揭秘! 最近试了YSL的Nu Skin Tint Foundation,结果真是让人大跌眼镜。上脸后浮粉卡粉严重,甚至能卡进表情纹里,卡出本来没有的皱纹。想着出点油可能会融合得更好,结果一天下来浮粉更严重了。幸好只是试了个小样,正装还没买。 这个色号2号真的很白,适合冷黄一白肤色。别跟我杠什么上...
YSL粉底液Nu系列2号色,这个可以说是粉底液,也可以说是有色打底,走偏自然的路线,给人一种天生好皮肤的视觉感。 客观来说,作为一款有色面霜它还是合格的!我对skin tint期待不高,整体感觉它遮暇力度还是可以的,叠加散粉,皮肤还是不错的。不过因为是2号色,所以对于我来说偏黄了一点,如果你不是大黄皮,建议你买...
Our editor with dry, sensitive skin tested the YSL Beauty NU Glow in Balm and loved the subtle luminosity it gave her.
Yves Saint Laurent With its roots in scandal, freedom and youth, Yves Saint Laurent Beauté takes the best of Parisian culture and turns it into France’s leading couture brand. From iconic bestsellers in makeup,fragrance, and skincare (like the Rouge Pur Couture MatteLipstickandYSL Libre) ...
YSL Beauty Nu Lip & Cheek Balmy Tint | YSL Beauty $159.80 $190.00 New Users 15% off YSL Beauty Y Le Parfum Fragrance | YSL Beauty 切换到中文 Report Error YSL Beauty 24 36 33 Deals and coupons you may like Clarins Precious Skincare Sale 15% Off Dealmoon Exclusive: Helena Rubinst...
YSL Beauty Nu Bare Look Tint Foundation | YSL New Users 15% off DetailShop Now YSL Beauty $51.00$62.00 YSL Beauty All Hours Full Coverage Foundation New Users 15% off DetailShop Now YSL Beauty $36.00 YSL Beauty LIBRE L'EAU NUE PARFUM DE PEAU ...
YSL Beauty Nu Lip & Cheek Balmy Tint | YSL Beauty New Users 15% off Detail Shop Now YSL Beauty $37.40$46.00 YSL Beauty Nu Bare Look Tint Foundation | YSL New Users 15% off Detail Shop Now YSL Beauty $51.00$62.00 YSL Beauty All Hours Full Coverage Foundation New Users 15...