Discover the world of YSL Beauty and shop award-winning beauty essentials like luxury fragrances for men and women, skincare, makeup, and gifts for him & her.
Shop the radiant collection of luxury makeup by YSL Beauty. Discover stunning lip shades, luminous complexions, bold eyeshadows and nail polishes.
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we will continue to elevate the shopping experience for our customers through best-in-class retail concepts and services like our exclusive Rouge Sur Mesure and UV Printing, in addition to an extensive range of star products,” says Marin Vialle, General Manager of Makeup Business Unit at L’...
Yves Saint Laurent With its roots in scandal, freedom and youth, Yves Saint Laurent Beauté takes the best of Parisian culture and turns it into France’s leading couture brand. From iconic bestsellers in makeup,fragrance, and skincare (like the Rouge Pur Couture MatteLipstickandYSL Libre) ...
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