Also, see how light pink supports other shades (yellow, orange, green and turquoise) in some of the eyeshadow palettes released this season. [Click to continue reading…] { 0 comments }YSL Spring 2024 Makeup Collection by PJ on Monday, January 22, 2024 in -YSL, 2024 Spring, makeup (...
定价优势+$57 Harrods 现有 4色眼影新色号上新,定价优势+$57,美国官网定价$68。 邮寄美国部分地区收取6.25%消费税。 运费$42。 点击购买>> 小编推荐:Harrods比YSL美国官网先上新了四色眼影:700 清冷烟熏色、800 贵气金咖色(看着像香奶奶deep的姐妹)、810 橙色夕阳色~ 图片来自于@Harrods,版权属于原作者 图...
Select a colour for COUTURE MINI CLUTCH LUXURY EYESHADOW PALETTE Selected 200 - Gueliz Dream, 1 of 11 Selected 400 - Babylone Roses, 2 of 11 Selected 500 - Medina Glow, 3 of 11 Selected 600 - Spontini Lilies, 4 of 11 Selected 700 - Over Noir, 5 of 11 Selected 710 - Over ...
Shop Women's Yves Saint Laurent Pink Size 7 Shoes at a discounted price at Poshmark. Description: Yves Saint Laurent pink suede 'Palais 105' platform slingbacks 37 / 7. Sold by mariebb11. Fast delivery, full service customer support.
3,700bonus points PDP Tabs Keywords Anti-aging Face Cream Fine Lines and Wrinkles Refillable Benefits An anti-aging cream for skin smoothness and lift. Helps diminish visible signs of aging, including fine lines and wrinkles, in only 4 weeks...
25.Hourglass Scattered Light Glitter Eyeshadow 璀璨慕斯眼影套裝 $410 限量套裝包括兩款閃爍迷人色調,以及一款全新時尚必備色調。輕盈的璀璨慕斯眼影揉合珠光成份,塑造光彩懾人的眼妝。獨特的混色柔滑配方巧妙地反射光線,更可重複塗抹,打造柔和閃爍或深邃奪目的效果。
(image/info from . I came across this eyeshadow palette onYSL‘s on-line store in Japan. TheEyeshadow Palette 1998is inspired by the colors on the greeting card that Yves Saint Laurent sent to his family, friends, and colleagues in 1998, which marked the 40th anniversary of...
I also published a post about YSL’s fall 2008 collection days ago. The collection is so pretty! I am so tempted by the eye shadows and lipsticks. Can’t wait to see the collection! :) Reply PJSaturday, June 21, 2008 Dear BA, ...
YSL‘s new Couture Palettes forsummer 2014are now available in some countries. The creation of these palettes is inspired by the Mondrian dresses designed by Yves Saint Laurent. Here is a look at the eleven variations: . (01 Tuxedo)
WATER EYESHADOW 12$(美国官网)/98RMB(国内官网) 一款想要all in的单品,美到哭泣。干湿两用显色度高,好取粉,多数色号带偏光,略微飞粉。 ▼218# ▼203# burgundy ▼213# dark slate green ▼KIKO烘培四色眼影 20$(美国官网)/98RMB(国内官网)