#Launching a standalone JAR file$ java -Xmx32M -jar reposilite-3.5.22.jar#Using the official Docker image$ docker pull dzikoysk/reposilite:3.5.22#Using the official Helm chart$ helm repo add reposilite https://helm.reposilite.com/ $ helm repo update $ helm install reposilite/reposilite...
Lightweight and easy-to-use repository management software dedicated for the Maven-based artifacts in the JVM ecosystem 📦 - Release 3.5.21 · Issue #2328 · dzikoysk/reposilite
Lightweight and easy-to-use repository management software dedicated for the Maven based artifacts in JVM ecosystem 📦 - GH-264 Move map of local locks to the RepositoryStorage · dzikoysk/reposilite@2aa6fff
Docker:Docker Hub - Reposilite$ docker pull dzikoysk/reposilite:3.5.16 Docker:Docker - GitHub Registry-
standalone JAR file $ java -Xmx32M -jar reposilite-3.5.20.jar # Using the official Docker image $ docker pull dzikoysk/reposilite:3.5.20 # Using the official Helm chart $ helm repo add reposilite https://helm.reposilite.com/ $ helm repo update $ helm install reposilite/reposiliteVisi...