“GULFOOD 2024” YSHC is Expecting Your Reply! Nov 1st, 2024 Learn More YSHC and Procter & Gamble Join Hands Again for a Brighter Future May 20th, 2023 Learn More Binhai New Area firmly Remained in the Leading Position of foreign trade in Tianjin ...
🛒点此购买“永勝匯成(香港)化工有限公司/YSHC (HK) CHEMICAL COMPANY LIMITED”的最终受益人UBO报告 信息包括:现任董事及该董事在港名下所有公司、现任股东及其股本的信息。 如果股东为香港公司我们会为您继续查询到最终受益的自然人(如果股东公司为离岸公司,例如注册地址为开曼群岛等,我们暂不提供查询服务,您可购...
英文名称:YSHC COMPANY LIMITED 公司现状:仍註冊 公司类别:私人股份有限公司 成立日期:2015-02-16 注册编号:2204310(点击查看企业详情) 历史名称:2015年2月16日 YSHC COMPANY LIMITED 永勝匯成有限公司 购买报告 🛒点此购买“ 永勝匯成有限公司/YSHC COMPANY LIMITED ”的简单版报告 ...
Name:YSHC(Tianjin) Chemical Company Limited Type:Others Tel:86-22-25221751 Fax:86-22-25221752 Email:sales1@tjhcchem.com Web:http://www.tjhcchem.com/ Address:China(Mainland) About Us YongSheng HuiCheng Company, located in BinHai new area of TianJin, which is in 20 kilometers in north ...
YSHC (Tianjin) Chemical Company Ltd. is located in Binhai New Area of Tianjin which is 20 kilometers away from Tianjin Seaport and about 60 kilometers away from Beijing Airport. Because of the conveni.. Provide CAUSTIC SODA,CALCIUM CARBIDE,CITRIC ACID
YSHC chemical co.,ltd. Country:China (Mainland) Business Type:Trading Company Ms.mary Tel: 86-22-65359055 Mobile: Tel:86-22-65359055 Fax:86-22-25221750 Province/state:TIANJIN City:TIANJIN Street:A-1901 BIN HAI ZHESHANG MANSION, NO.1988 YINGBIN AVENUE,XIANGLUOWAN ...
YSHC(TianJin)Chemicalcompanylimitedwasestablishedin2009,whichisacombinationcorporationoftheapprovedbytheministryofcommercetrade.Wehavesodiumsilicateandcausticsodafactories.Engagedinchemicalmaterials,f.. Provide caustic soda, sodium silicate, sodium bica
1/0 YSHC(TianJin)Chemical company limited was established in 2009,which is a combination corporation of the approved by the ministry of commerce trade.We have sodium silicate and caustic soda factories. Engaged in chemical materials,food additive and other chemicals produce and export business.Mainly...
联系方式 正文内容 易森宏成(Yshc) 1520 办公桌 100*60*75cm 采购单位: 中共鸡西市委政法委员会 采购方式: 场内直购 销售价: 680.00 参考价格: 850.00 优惠率: 20% 数量: 4 订单金额: 2720.00 供应商名称: 鸡西市鸡冠区鼎鼎科技电子设备经销处 参考链接: 历史合同 时间: 2024-12-17 08:56:53 热门...
YSHC(TianJin)Chemical company limited was established in 2009,which is a combination corporation of the approved by the ministry of commerce trade.We have sodium silicate and caustic soda factories. Engaged in chemical materials,food additive and other chemicals produce and export business.Mainly export...