Data source: Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS), CDC, NCCDPHP. Students in Grades 9 Through 12, 199…|基于12个网页 2. 危险行为监测系统 危险行为监测系统(YRBSS)监察优先的健康风险行为,促进领导原因死亡,残疾和社会青年和成年人中存在的问题在美国 States.The…huang-chih-hsun...
(YRBSS) Purpose of the YRBSS Focus the nation on behaviors among youth causing the most important health problems Assess how risk behaviors change over time Provide comparable data Leading Causes of Death Among 10-24 Year-olds in the U.S., 1997 Impact of Sexual Behaviors 1 million pregnancies...
SurveillanceSystem(YRBSS):SurveillanceSystem(YRBSS): 20132013 National,State,andLocalDataNational,State,andLocalData NationalCenterforHIV/AIDS,ViralHepatitis,STD,andTBPrevention DivisionofAdolescentandSchoolHealth PurposesoftheYRBSS •Focusthenationonbehaviorsamongyouthcausingthemost ...
The current study utilizes data from the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) and is the first to examine sexual identity and sexual behavior in a large, population-based, school sample of youth. The YRBBS was developed by the CDC to monitor priority health-risk behaviors and ...
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Life360is associated with1legal entitygiven below: Legal Entity Name Date of incorporation Revenue Net Profit Employee Count LIFE360, INC. Apr 16, 2007 $228M (as on Dec 31, 2022) -$91.6M (as on Dec 31, 2022) 840 Life360's Competitors and alternates ...
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