& Smol, J. P. Late Holocene environmental changes inferred from diatoms in a lake on the western Taimyr Peninsula, northern Russia. J. Paleolimnol. 30, 231–247 (2003). ADS Google Scholar Porinchu, D. F. & Cwynar, L. C. Late-Quaternary history of midge communities and climate from ...
fluctuating conditions, where colder and warmer aSSTs alternated in a glacier-distal environment. During the latter part of the late Holocene, sea-ice cover was extensive, yet variable, negatively co-varying with aSST. Based on our diatom data, we observe a clear increase in the influence of ...
E. & Smol, J. P. Late Holocene environmental changes inferred from diatoms in a lake on the western Taimyr Peninsula, northern Russia. J. Paleolimnol. 30, 231–247 (2003). 49. Porinchu, D. F. & Cwynar, L. C. Late-Quaternary history of midge communities and climate from a tundra ...