“One thing that I love about YPrime is that as a small site, when I need help and I need to contact Support, it’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s efficient.”— Alexandria Clark, BSE, CCRC, Co-CEO, One of a Kind Clinical Research Center (1-OAK) ...
YPrime eCOA Enables 47% Faster Study Startup.$1-2 billion per new drug!1 The cost for you to bring new medicines to market is unsustainable. That’s why at YPrime, we’ve delivered the most advanced, fully configurable electronic clinical outcome assessment (eCOA) platform—built to enable...
YPrime 医疗健康 医疗大数据 医疗信息化 临床试验数据 所属公司:YPrime Inc. 成立日期:2006-01-01 所属地:美国 简介:YPrime 的基于云的技术简化了临床试验数据的收集和管理。YPrime 的 eCOA 和交互式响应技术 (IRT) 平台为临床试验带来了更高的速度、精度和数据质量。我们的咨询服务帮助客户简化下游流程,同时更...
YPrime, LLC announced the strategic acquisition of Tryl, a software development company with a unique patient engagement solution that is designed to boost engagement, reduce dropouts, and deliver outcomes in clinical trials. The acquisition includes the transfer o...
其中核心基因座被称为“小单倍体型”的基因座中多拷贝单倍型基因座又有着更优的区分单倍体型能力,阅微基因的MicroreaderTM Y Prime Plus ID system也因此诞生。 部分地区的“小单倍体型”基因座分布 MicroreaderTM Y Prime Plus ID system 法医鉴定扩增试剂盒...
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Huawei Y6 Prime (2018) - user opinions and reviews B BukakongHenkoloy xPP 09 Feb 2025 I have a Huawei Y6 2018, one of my extra phones that used to be cool in that time, it still goes pretty strong living for about 6 years old ig but the matter of fact it's super slow and...
Javyprime 2024-6-1 16:28 来自iPhone客户端 转发微博 抱歉,根据作者设置的微博可见时间范围,此微博已不可见。 û收藏 转发 评论 ñ赞 c +关注 Javyprime 2024-5-31 11:09 来自iPhone客户端 好用奥 @篮球大图 还在苦恼1V1打不过你的好哥们么?来看看这个1V1的进攻...
Learn about the complete details, specifications and updated price of Huawei Y6 Prime 2019 in Pakistan. Retail price of Huawei Y6 Prime 2019 in Pakistan is 21699.00
华为Y7 Prime 2018是一款经济实惠的机型,该机配备了时下流行的18:9屏(尺寸为5.99英寸),分辨率为1,440x720,值得一提的是该机屏幕没有“刘海”。Y7 Prime 2018还具有双后置摄像头设置,分别是1300万像素主传感器和200万像素辅助传感器,后者仅用于捕获深度信息并创建背景虚化效果,该机前置800万像素自拍摄像...