在Windows上,用户范围的配置文件位置是 %APPDATA%\youtube-dl\config.txt 或 C:\Users<user nam...
The download will run normally for a short time, and then a 403 error will appear youtube-dl 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lLSkbZ3-EOs' [download] Got server HTTP error: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden. Retrying fragment 41 (attempt 2 of 10)... [download] Got server HTTP error: ...
[debug] Custom config: [] [debug] Command-line args: ['-v'] [debug] Encodings: locale cp1252, fs mbcs, out cp437, pref cp1252 [debug] youtube-dl version 2024.12.17 [d55d1f4] (single file build) [debug] ** This version was built from the latest master code athttps://github....
于是对 nginx 的 nginx.conf 文件进行配置 先打开 nginx.conf #user nobody; worker_processes 1;...
youtube-dl: error: Unable to download webpage: HTTP Error403: Forbidden 解决方法:检查视频是否已被删除或设为私密。如果是公共视频,尝试清除浏览器缓存或更换网络环境。 错误2: 无法解析 URL youtube-dl: error: Unable to recognize the URL 解决方法:确保输入的 URL 是正确的。如果仍然出现问题,可以尝试...
https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61249612/error-unable-to-download-video-data-http-error-403-forbidden-while-using-youtstackoverflow.com/questions/61249612/error-unable-to-download-video-data-http-error-403-forbidden-while-using-yout 先试试youtube-dl --rm-cache-dir ...
电脑下了一晚上,还是断了,文件正好下载了一半,下载到硬盘的是一个.mp4.part的后缀的文件,而命令提示符那里提示“ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden”,进程就取消了。。。这样子那个.mp4.part的文件是不是就没用了呀 !很简单,只要下载到硬盘的那个文件没删掉,通过复制粘贴原来...
3.1. Fix “Unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden” Error When downloading videos from YouTube, sometimes you will get an error like below. ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden To fix this error, refer the following guide. ...
电脑下了一晚上,还是断了,文件正好下载了一半,下载到硬盘的是一个.mp4.part的后缀的文件,而命令提示符那里提示“ERROR: unable to download video data: HTTP Error 403: Forbidden”,进程就取消了。。。这样子那个.mp4.part的文件是不是就没用了呀 !很简单,只要下载到硬盘的那个文件没删掉,通过复制粘贴原来...