19. Sometimes, making YouTube videos is not about the selling, it’s about brand reach and getting noticed. More often than not, Google search intent will push traffic towards your YouTube videos, if they’re optimized for the specific question. Besides, the fact that YouTube videos can be...
The channel offers cultural videos, motivational talks, interviews and more. Many of their videos are in English and offer insight into Chinese culture and traditions, such as the story of the Chinese zodiac. Others explain Chinese words and phrases with English explanations. Beyond their YouTube...
Now you might already know your Venus sign, which says lots about the way you shop, flirt, dress up, and conduct friendships – your Venus sign reflects your tastes, and the image of your Venus zodiac sign can provide an aspirational archetype to express yourself through. For example, if y...
zhou, the narrator for all the duo's videos, spends seven minutes and 28 seconds looking at how fincher, director of the social network and seven and zodiac and so many other great movies, uses the camera in his movies. his use of a rock-steady camera to communicate omniscience and ...