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I love glass animals", "published":"1 year ago", "isLiked":false, "authorIsChannelOwner":false, "voteStatus":"INDIFFERENT", "votes":{ "simpleText":"1.6K", "label":"1.6K likes" }, "replyCount":72 }, { "id":"UgyHLTfBhMAh39IcPAp4AaABAg", "author":{ "id":"UCK8evpEndly...
The extent to which these portrayals might influence youth drinking remains unclear. However, research on alcohol in television commercials does suggest that adolescents exposed to role characterisations of media drinkers, who identify with the drinker roles and value their traits, may be more likely...
Other animals eat only one type of food even when given the . A kind of white butterfly will stay on the leaves of a cabbage, even though there are plenty of other in the garden. However, most animals have a more diet. The bear eats fruits and fish. The fox eats small animals, ...
“Piece of Me” needed. Thoughtful vocal deliveries accentuate the sizzling guitar playing, coming to an apex on “Youth Gone Wild.” Toning it down, Skid Row crafted two all-timers with the ballads “18 and Life” and “I Remember You,” the latter of which features a throat-ripping ...
I love glass animals", "published":"1 year ago", "isLiked":false, "authorIsChannelOwner":false, "voteStatus":"INDIFFERENT", "votes":{ "simpleText":"1.6K", "label":"1.6K likes" }, "replyCount":72 }, { "id":"UgyHLTfBhMAh39IcPAp4AaABAg", "author":{ "id":"UCK8evpEndly...
I love glass animals", "published":"1 year ago", "isLiked":false, "authorIsChannelOwner":false, "voteStatus":"INDIFFERENT", "votes":{ "simpleText":"1.6K", "label":"1.6K likes" }, "replyCount":72 }, { "id":"UgyHLTfBhMAh39IcPAp4AaABAg", "author":{ "id":"UCK8evpEndly...
I love glass animals", "published":"1 year ago", "isLiked":false, "authorIsChannelOwner":false, "voteStatus":"INDIFFERENT", "votes":{ "simpleText":"1.6K", "label":"1.6K likes" }, "replyCount":72 }, { "id":"UgyHLTfBhMAh39IcPAp4AaABAg", "author":{ "id":"UCK8evpEndly...
I love glass animals", "published":"1 year ago", "isLiked":false, "authorIsChannelOwner":false, "voteStatus":"INDIFFERENT", "votes":{ "simpleText":"1.6K", "label":"1.6K likes" }, "replyCount":72 }, { "id":"UgyHLTfBhMAh39IcPAp4AaABAg", "author":{ "id":"UCK8evp...