2018年初,GTLive的放送内容的在线观看人数可以达到1.5万至1.7万,但如今,这一数字已经增长到2.2万至2.7万。 APP新玩法 数字视频网络公司The Young Turks Network的CEO Cenk Uygur,也观察到相较于过去,YouTube更加青睐直播视频。2011年,YouTube直播功能上线后,TYT是第一批开始直播的YouTube频道之一。2016年,YouTube手机...
Google在视频领域的大动作:为YouTube新增100多个频道 世界最大的视频网站YouTube今天宣布他们与大量的新内容提供商合作,将在YouTube上新增100多个频道,覆盖从体育到喜剧到音乐到好莱坞明星等。 Youtube在博客中说,他们的目标是通过这些频道,“让你有更多理由重复的回来观看视频”,从电视时代诞生的一些内容,MTV,ESPN,CN...
https://www.youtube.com/user/TheYoungTurks/live (live almost 24/7) https://www.youtube.com/user/TVman1981/live (never live, shows profile page) https://www.youtube.com/user/tytlive/live (usually live M–F between 3–5 PM U.S. Pacific; shows stream offline message when offline) ...
Aaron Wysocki of The Young Turks,4.6 Million+ Subscribers “We had zero subscribers when we purchased 30 Days to a better YouTube Channel. Now we’re at 22,000!!!” Cassius Johnson of CJ's Keto Kitchen,23,000+ Subscribers When you buy today, you’ll get immediate access to the entire...
“That’s me playing the world’s smallest violin for all these crying Democrats!” hollers a red-faced Vincent Oshana, a right-leaning comedian. Shortly after, The Young Turks co-creator Cenk Uygur loudly tells pollster Allan Lichtman that he was “stupidly wrong” for forecasting a ...
The Young Turks. Retrieved February 12, 2014. Google Scholar Kenyon, G. (2016). The Man Who Studies the Spread of Ignorance. BBC Future. Retrieved April 30, 2015 from https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20160105-the-man-who-studies-the-spread-of-ignorance. Knobloch-Westerwick, S. (...
The Real News Network The young turks Howard stern clips. Reply With Quote 2013-03-08, 11:48 AM #60 Venara Puts the "Super" in Supermod Join Date Aug 2007 Location Cork, Ireland Posts 3,850 I have so many subscriptions, watching all their uploads <3 I'll name a few of th...
To counter this, the ISD report selected three representative channels using the Super Chat feature, from across the political spectrum:TimCast IRL,RSBN, andThe Young Turks. The Super Chat comments on a defined number of publicly saved live streams were studied. Videos for each channel were sele...
Creators like The Young Turks, Complex News, Seeker Daily, Ingrid Nilsen, Mark Watson, and Julie Borowski will be offering coverage at both conventions, in addition to several more traditional news organizations. Jump VR cameras will be used to offer a 360-degree look at the action, while mob...
http://youtube.com/theyoungturks/live Read more HERE: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/gop-s by Marday Marday 10826 views 2 years ago 11:07 President Obama "End Tax Cuts For Rich" In a recent speech from the White House President Barack Obama came out and said let's end the tax ...