“This is the best piece of advice I can give to aspiring YouTubers,”she wrote on Twitterat the time: “your audience are not your friends. They are spectators. Their love is highly contingent. The moment you fuck up you’re dead to them. They do not love you. They love an idea...
2238 2238 wmca2wWi1CM Kit Harington’s Epic April Fools Day Prank On Rose Leslie - The Jonathan Ross Show The Jonathan Ross Show 24 british|celebrity|chat|funny|game|got|harington|hollywood|interview|itv|jonathan|kit|leslie|live|music|rose|ross|rossy|thrones|uk|wossy 9574837 25485 641 1366 139...
' boasted a production wallowing in low end, representing a band whose heaviness was about to see the wheels fall off the rock ‘n’ roll chassis. The title track opens the album with a heavy-handed rhythm as Budgie explored the line between lead guitar work and fortified riff-mongering. T...
Luke:My main tool has been Twitter. Hash-tagging albums & songs always brings in more viewers – especially if that album or song is new and/or trending – but another great way to boost YouTube viewership is to be active in the YouTube community. What I mean by that is...