79 When The Saints Go Marching In 80 For She’s a Jolly Good Fellow 81 Pat-a-Cake 82 Ten Green Bottles 83 Here We Go Looby Loo 84 The Animals Went in Two by Two 85 A Sailor Went to Sea 86 Ten in the Bed 87 Little Jack Horner 88 When Goldilocks Went to the House of the Bear...
现实版对牛弹琴,YOUTUBE点击超过600万,新浪 美国5人爵士乐队The New Hot 5,在法国的Autrans的牧场,对着一群奶牛演奏经典名曲《When the Saints Go Marching In》。奶牛们听得都入迷了。点赞(0) 踩踩(0) 反馈 访问所需:1 积分 访问第三方平台链接 ...
n', 'Higurashi When They Cry', 'Hair straightening', 'Campervan', 'Sledding', 'Downhill', 'Mario Kart 8', 'Hand-to-hand combat', 'Hummer', 'Mehndi', 'Majorette (dancer)', 'Fly tying', 'Realm of the Mad God', 'Shepherd', 'Rottweiler', 'Toyota Hilux', 'Path of Exile', '...