//http://css-tricks.com/play-button-youtube-and-vimeo-api/ if ( 'youtube' == $_provider ) { var player; //important : the function onYouTubeIframeAPIReady has to be added to the window object //when wrapped in another closure window.onYouTubeIframeAPIReady = function () { player =...
IcyCaress is a British YouTube content creator with more than 225 thousand subscribers, publishing more than 1.28 thousand videos which altogether total roughly 17.6 million views. Created on September 24, 2012 ● Channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbv42bSS_sEYedUsKqjaUuQSummary...
I played multiple HDR videos in safari when it was available in the beginning of november before Google disabled it. Today I tried it in Chrome and my MBP 16 have rebooted on the first video I watched. Last edited: Nov 21, 2021 T tnogueira macrumors newbie Nov 21, 2021 2 0 Nov ...
I'm getting an error when trying to use output template: error: using output template conflicts with using title, video ID or auto numberMake sure you are not using -o with any of these options -t, --title, --id, -A or --auto-number set in command line or in a configuration ...
-disk: 1000 -mounts: - run: - source: local - source_path: run - -# The configuration of app when it is exposed to the web. -web: - commands: - # Run a no-op process that uses no CPU resources, since this is a static site. - start: sleep infinity - locations: - "/": ...
with explicit prejudice, confirming ourHypothesis 4. Moreover, disclosure of BPD increased the strength of the PSR towards the disclosing creator for participants in the same-creator group. Lastly, the disclosure video on its own resulted in greater PSR strength than when either creator spoke ...
But of course, YT with ads is unusable, so my "solution" is that when my YT browsing experience starts to degrade, I just go into Process Explorer and kill whichever tabs are using 3+ GB RAM. That generally sorts it out for a couple of days. How is it? I'm leery of anything (...
“When I first got the course, my channel had around 100 subscribers after about 6 months of posting weekly videos. I was discouraged, to say the least. Now, three years later, I have over 36,000 subscribers and the channel adds about 3,000 new subscribers a month!
Also, when you said "I had already downloaded this video but cannot play by some players" do you mean you cannot play them at all? not even for a few seconds? Do you see any error message or for instance, a black screen? Or do you mean they play but not...
si=MiQn9xnl21izxeHh" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe> </p> <h1 dir="ltr"> How to Start a...