Watch Tube应用不需要任何复杂的设置,甚至不需要从iPhone上进行设置。用户可以直接从watchOS应用商店下载Watch Tube并使用它。一旦该应用安装在Apple Watch上,只需打开它,就可以观看YouTube视频。虽然YouTube很复杂,但这款手表应用的界面看起来出乎意料的不错。用户将在该应用中找到四个不同的部分。主页、搜索、资料...
我真的近视会加深 在 Apple Watch 上平常可以收发讯息、查看健康资讯以及照片等之外,现在居然还能观看 YouTube 上的影片,让你随时都能看到大潮社TV的最新影片(有问过大家?)但我觉得要配戴到最大的 45 公釐尺寸的 Apple
据WatchTube开发者称,未来的更新将增加纯音频模式,这样你就可以听YouTube上的歌曲,而不必一直打开Apple Watch的显示屏。 如果你想尝试一下WatchTube,可以在App Store上免费下载使用。该应用程序需要一个运行watchOS 6或更高版本的Apple Watch。
据WatchTube开发者称,未来的更新将增加纯音频模式,这样你就可以听YouTube上的歌曲,而不必一直打开Apple Watch的显示屏。 如果你想尝试一下WatchTube,可以在App Store上免费下载使用。该应用程序需要一个运行watchOS 6或更高版本的Apple Watch。
Get the official YouTube app on iPhones and iPads. See what the world is watching -- from the hottest music videos to what’s popular in gaming, fashion, beauty, news, learning and more. Subscribe to channels you love, create content of your own, share with friends, and watch on any...
Related:22 tips to save battery on Apple Watch Overall experience As far as I can tell, this is the first time an app can play YouTube on the Apple Watch and be cleared by Apple to stay on the App Store. Overall, if you’re into this, you can try WatchTube. The app is fantastic...
Although YouTube is a platform forvideosharing, the most prominent use of YouTube is for watching videos. Thus, the app itself is optimized for a comfortable viewing experience. You canwatch videos forfreeon YouTube by simply clicking on them from the main screen, and they will play instantl...
Get the official YouTube app on iPhones and iPads. See what the world is watching -- from the hottest music videos to what’s popular in gaming, fashion, beauty, news, learning and more. Subscribe to channels you love, create content of your own, share with friends, and watch on any...
所以单单是这两点致命伤,其实就证明这功能只适合用来尝鲜,相信这股热度过后,就没有多少人会用Apple Watch看视频了。不过说句老实话,WatchTube这个应用本身还是做得非常不错的。界面主要分成四个不同的部分,主页、搜索、资料库和设置,就像官方YouTube应用一样,主页显示平台上正在流行的视频,很符合直觉。想看...
YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream for iPhone, free and safe download. YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream latest version: Fantastic free video player. YouTube