Green Ronin Publishing, the maker of tabletop RPGs based onThe Expanse,Lazarus, Dragon Age, andA Song of Ice of Fire, announced that had signed a licensing agreement with Jemisin to publish a new game based on her Hugo Award-winning series. The new game will ...
63TIL that Michael Jackson's iconic song 'Thriller' was originally titled 'Starlight' and had completely different lyrics, with the chorus lyric: "Give me some starlight / starlight sun". There is even a demo tape of Jackson singing the original version.ZooterTheWooter ...
63TIL that Michael Jackson's iconic song 'Thriller' was originally titled 'Starlight' and had completely different lyrics, with the chorus lyric: "Give me some starlight / starlight sun". There is even a demo tape of Jackson singing the original version.ZooterTheWooter ...
‘Paranoid’ defined it in late 1970. Shedding some of their blues sound, they found favor with the indomitable riffing style of Tony Iommi, who cemented his legacy early on with “War Pigs,”“Paranoid