Just as we can target specific audiences on Google, Facebook, and Pinterest, we have access to the billions of users that stream videos from YouTube every day. With YouTube, you can target through content keywords, remarketing, placement ads, and through topics and interests. Here’s a ...
All of my Salsa videos (remember, the are free at YouTube! Use the links below to launch the videos.)General Dance TopicsCuban Motion http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUoNdk_D-P0 (6:58 min) Title: How To: Cuban MotionDescription: Learn how to get your hips to do the "Cuban Motion...
salsaturky SBV = silent but violent. SBD = silent but deadly. Ronnie Ronnie: you are my favorite !. I enjoy yur lessons a lot ! (and besides, I have learned about slang that I haven’t heard before). rafaelcardenas Hi Ronnie, i am a working professional. I have been watching the ...