9. Good characters have physical problems. Most heroes in action movies get a scratch high on the forehead, even after a couple of hours of near misses, crashes and mortal combat. Picture wounds in most any old movie with Bruce Willis and Harrison Ford. All that fighting and not one chipp...
“Waka Waka” by Colombian singer Shakira, featuring the South African band Freshlyground, has moved up one place since last year. “Waka Waka” was released on May 7, 2010 as the official song of the 2010 FIFA World Cup, which was held in South Africa.18...
I could even just have one of those videos up and playing while I was by my computer doing something else, looking up whenever (a lot! XD) and looking whenever I thought she might have done something interesting in the game, or to go with it. I think that’s pretty good. I didn’...
Not limited to cooking videos, Adam also creates videos about food science and home cooking. Explaining the reasons behind why you can’t eat raw chicken, how to thaw meat safely and explaining different cooking methods. Adam has over 500K subscribers and often creates videos that are perfect f...
The blend of traditional African music with contemporary pop elements, along with Shakira's energetic performance, made it a favorite across various demographics. Its catchy chorus and uplifting message resonate with fans worldwide, cementing its place as a memorable World Cup anthem and a timeless ...
This situation changed drastically with the still ongoing Western African Ebola virus disease outbreak that started in December of 2013 and thus far has caused 28,637 human infections and 11,315 deaths (CFR=39.5%). Publications surpassed 1,000 in 2014 and is approaching 2,000 in 2015. Here,...
“Curb Your Enthusiasm,” but in reality, Wanda Sykes prefers partners of the feminine persuasion. After coming out at a Prop 8 rally in 2008, the comedian claimed she was subsequently treated like a “unicorn,” in that most gay or bisexual African Americans don’t openly share their LGBTQ...
This cohort is the first generation to grow up with computers; Internet access; download music, movies, and videos; mobile communication; instant messaging and social media; and use an array of interactive mobile devices (iPods, tablets, and smartphones) in the digital era. Consequently, this ...