在PowerPoint 2013 中,可以插入联机视频,然后在演示期间播放。 视频直接从网站播放,具有网站的播放、暂停、音量等控件。 PowerPoint 播放功能(淡化、书签、剪裁等)不能应用于联机视频。 因为视频位于网站上而不是在演示文稿中,所以为了顺利播放必须连接到互联网上。 注意: 若要使用此功能,...
在Microsoft 365 专属 PowerPoint 、PowerPoint 2021 或 PowerPoint 2019 中,可以在幻灯片上插入来自 YouTube 或 Vimeo 的联机视频。 在Microsoft 365 专属 PowerPoint 版本 1907 或更高版本中,你还可以插入 Microsoft Stream 的在线视频,这是一个为企业提供的视频服务——组织中的人员可以相互上传、查看和共享视频。
You'll learn how to embed a YouTube video in PowerPoint, or add a video you saved locally. Videos can add so much to your presentation. Whether it's a new perspective or a chance to catch your breath, pro presenters know how to add video presentation elements. ...
以下代碼示例展示瞭如何使用 Python 將 YouTube 視頻嵌入到 PowerPoint PPT 中。 importaspose.slidesasslidesfromurllib.requestimporturlopen# 負載演示withslides.Presentation("presentation.pptx")aspresentation:#add video framevideoFrame = presentation.slides[0].shapes.add_video_frame(10,10,427,240,"https://...
How To Embed a YouTube Video in PowerPointChapter
While Microsoft PowerPoint is majorly used to prepare presentations and basic animated explainers, you can easily learn how to cut video in PowerPoint with the tools available within the app itself.
Step 2: Insert the ActiveX Control Shockwave Flash Object to your PowerPoint Find the specific slide on which you want to play the video, and switch to edit mode In PowerPoint 2003:, Click the "View" tab in the menu bar, then choose "Toolbars" in sub-menu, later "Control Toolbox" ...
To add a new video in PowerPoint, go to Insert menu and then click on Video button. Here, you will see three different options, to insert videos from this device, stock videos and online videos. Click on Online Video. Embed Video Youtube in PowerPoint ...
In Microsoft PowerPoint, you can add a YouTube video to really bring some variety to your presentation. Let's look at how to do that in just a few steps. We also have a helpful compliment to this...
If you've ever embedded a YouTube video into a Web site or a blog, it's now just as easy to add one to a PowerPoint slide using PowerPoint 2010. Just go to theInserttab, click the button half of theVideobutton, and selectVideo from Web Site: ...