On a near daily basis, videos on KidzTube get submitted by people in the education field that work with us. You can access these videos by using the video search tool at the top of our website. We also have strategic partnerships with some of the best teaching resources, like Khan Acade...
6. Children’s Yoga Video by Yoga Ed for Manduka. Here’s a great yoga class for kindergarteners and school-aged children that begins with simple relaxationpreschools and up kids flow through this simple yoga class for children to help them become stronger and more flexible in body and mi...
The roles of YouTube videos and YouTubers for getting information about political and societal topics are becoming gradually more important to young people
Educational YouTube channels for preschoolers and kindergarteners are visual, interactive, and fun. They often contain fun characters and themes that appeal to the youngest viewers. Here are some teacher favorites: Teeter Totter Animation– Learn numbers, counting, the alphabet, shapes, and more w...
Video topics include time, addition, subtraction, division, counting, and much more. These videos are geared toward kids in kindergarten through sixth grade. Visit Math & Learning Videos 4 Kids 20 of 21 Best Social Sciences YouTube Channel for Kids: SoulPancake ...
My kindergarten daughters had no problem with the YouTube interface on the iPad mini, they used the voice search feature to find what they were looking for. Most of the time, they were fascinated and watched other kids/adults playing with their favorite toys. If they want to watch...
My kindergarten daughters had no problem with the YouTube interface on the iPad mini, they used the voice search feature to find what they were looking for. Most of the time, they were fascinated and watched other kids/adults playing with their favorite toys. If they want to watch a show...
One of Sesame Studios’ most standout videos is “Party Mouth,” a delightfully surreal toothbrushing tutorial that moves to a beat best described as Skrillex as a kindergarten teacher. Oh, and the visuals include a booty-bumping tube of toothpaste and an arms-flailing toothbrush. ...