1. 打开4K Video Downloader:点击“免费试用”,安装包会自动下载,下载完成后和其他软件一样安装到自己的电脑中; 2. 进入 YouTube,找到你要下载的视频并播放,然后复制地址栏的 URL 链接; 3. 运行4K Video Downloader,点击“粘贴链接”按钮,软件会开始自动解析剪贴板中的链接。待链接解析完成后,会弹出一个新的对...
Online Video Downloader by SaveFrom.Net is an excellent service that helps to download online videos or music From Youtube, TikTok, Instagram.
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地址:https://en.savefrom.net/1-youtube-video-downloader-43/ 价格:免费 中文界面:支持 http://savefrom.net算是在线视频包括 YouTube 视频下载服务的老牌服务提供商了,从2008面世至今因较多的视频平台支持和较高的相关搜索排名获得了一大波忠实用户。目前除了地址所示的 YouTube 在线下载器,还提供了名叫 “Safe...
Benefits of using Viddly YouTube Video Downloader: Simple and user-friendly interface Marks the end of annoying ads in the downloaded file Automatic backup to save video even if removed Converts to an audio-player compatible format Access to content in the absence of net connectivity ...
About SaveFrom - Free YouTube Video Downloader Information written by the company SaveFrom Video Downloader is best Online YouTube video downloader, offers you to download YouTube videos and YouTube to MP4. Contact savefrom.com.in@gmail.com 951-951-2112 937 Murphy Court Riverside, CA 92503 9250...
1.2 SaveFrom.net SaveFrom.net也是一个广泛使用的在线下载工具,支持直接下载YouTube视频。使用步骤如下: 找到并复制你想下载的视频链接。 访问SaveFrom.net网站(https://en.savefrom.net)。 将链接粘贴到输入框中,点击“下载”。 选择所需的格式和分辨率,开始下载。
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2.Savefrom.net[Online] Savefrom.net is a YouTube video ripper that offers YouTube video download within a few simple steps. It allows you to download unlimited videos in multiple formats such as MP3 MP4 HD full HD and SQ quality. The best thing about this YouTube video downloader is that...