YouTube被并入谷歌后,我想可以很合理地相信,谷歌会把搜索引擎的算法和技术接入到YouTube的搜索和优化当中。在YouTube做SEO,真的可以的! 而且的确是可以用谷歌SEO的思维去做YouTube视频SEO! 排名因素也类似,比如一样需要关键词、网页停留时间在这里对应就是视频观看时长,等等 再看看每日的活跃用户量,超过3千万! 平...
1)登录账户后,点击屏幕右上角的“Create a Video or Post(上传视频)”. 2)选择“Select files to upload”并上传您想发布的视频。注意了,记住从下拉菜单中选择“Public”选项,这样所有人都可以浏览您发布的内容。 3)在视频上传时您就可以为您的视频添加描述。这包括一个标题(最大长度为100个字符)和描述(总共...
那我们先看看《YouTube搜索引擎算法的工作原理》 Videos are ranked based on a variety of factors including how well the title, description, and video content match the viewer’s query. Beyond that, we look at which videos have driven the most engagement for a query, and make sure it’s easy...
well-researched keywords to the title and description as well as clever tags, would make the video more searchable and move up its ranking. The use of annotations and external connections will also drive additional video traffic. More comments Indulge your audience by reacting to all comments and...
One of YouTube’s many features includes a section where you can add a video description.YouTube caps this section at5,000 characters, which is about 710 to 1200 words.That’s long-form blog post length! Here's an example of a text-based video description that's rich with keywords: ...
Optimize your online videos for search engines. Freelance video SEO experts can help you choose the right keywords, write compelling video titles and descriptions, create transcripts for your videos, for optimal video visibility
You can negate the [hour] if it’s not needed. Video timestamps are automatically linked. What is a label? This is a brief and clear description of the clip. You can see an example of timestamps and labels on our video about YouTube SEO....
How do you do SEO for YouTube videos? Video SEO involves creating a keyword plan to increase visibility of your videos in search results. Make a keyword plan and sprinkle the keywords throughout your video copy, including in the video title, description, file name, and tags. ...
Video SEO Services Since 2009. The best strategy to quickly boost traffic, sales and profits for any business. Performance Based YouTube Video Optimization