One of the most successful movies that is free on YouTube to watch isthe Kevin Costner WesternDances with Wolves. The movie, also directed by Costner, tells the story of a Union lieutenant who receives a transfer to the western frontier, so he can see it before it disappears. While there...
Dances with Wolves is a 1990 American epic Western film. It is a film adaptation of the 1988 book of the same name by Michael Blake that tells the story of Union Army lieutenant John J. Dunbar who travels to the American frontier to find a military post and of his dealings with a grou...
(5)AND THESE TWO NEVER GOT ON THE AIR.Meanwhile, Disney has changed its mind about a planned Muppets revival, and scrapped aTronadaptation before anyone even knew they were doing one.The Hollywood Reporterhas the story in“Bob Iger’s Next Priority? Streamline Disney+ Development”. In a sig...
She’s actually pretty democratic and lenient about that, but she should still have the say. Your two examples, Tool and Jesus Lizard, both formed in the 80s or 90s, at a time when they could benefit from label support (indie, if not majors). So where is the next one? The charts...
A blog by one RamblePak64 that primarily focuses on video games, but occasionally dives into the world of anime, film, and other random topics. Home to the Eh! Steve! podcast, expect regular deep dives on game design, thematic story-telling, and more.