The pre-MTV ‘70s and early ‘80s were a golden age for live performances on variety TV shows. Don Kirshner’s Rock Concert and Burt Sugarman’s The Midnight Special were primetime showcases for so many top-shelf acts of that hallowed time, and often in the up-and-coming stages of the...
A few of the Troy Cory songs now heard throughout the world and webcast on "YouTube," and "LookRadio" were first recorded in the mid-50s when Troy was a teenager. --- The 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, television shows, prepared Troy for today's world of the Internet. --- Troy'...
A few of the Troy Cory songs now heard throughout the world and webcast on "YouTube," and "LookRadio" were first recorded in the mid-50s when Troy was a teenager. --- The 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, television shows, prepared Troy for today's world of the Internet. --- Troy'...