今日谷歌和Facebook确认,YouTube VR将登陆Oculus Quest VR一体机平台。YouTube VR将加入Job Simulator和Tilt Brush的行列成为谷歌系Ouest的首发游戏。而来自其VR工作室Owlchemy Labs的最新VR游戏Vacation Simulator将于今年晚些时候登陆Oculus Quest。虽然用户可以通过Oculus浏览器访问YouTube,但专用的VR应用程序能给用户带...
We have shown solutions tofix Oculus Quest 2 charging problemin another article. This article will feature solutions that will help to solve YouTube VR-related issues. Can I watch VR videos on Oculus Quest 2? Yes. You can easily watch any virtual reality or 360 videos on Oculus Quest 2. ...
Facebook和谷歌同时确认,《YouTube VR》将登陆Oculus Quest一体机。该应用程序已经在Daydream,HTC Vive,PSVR,Gear VR,Oculus Go和Oculus Rift上推出。 在《工作模拟》和《Tilt Brush》之后,谷歌不只让《YouTube VR》加入Quest的内容阵营,还打算在今年晚些时候,让旗下VR工作室Owlchemy Labs开发的《度假模拟》登陆Qu...
近日,YouTube VR 新增了 8K 播放功能,目前该功能只支持 Quest 3 设备。 如果用户安装了 1.54 或以上版本,可以为支持所述分辨率的视频选择“4320p”或“4320p60”选项。不过,YouTube 表示不支持播放 8K HDR 素…
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfo2xZ2SMjc One livestream video channel, which I find I like to listen to while lying on the sofa in the darkness, is deceptively simple but very soothing: 1920s-1940s oldies music playing muffled (as if it were in another room), with the sound of...
The app is already available on Daydream, HTC Vive, PSVR, Gear VR, Oculus Go and Oculus Rift. YouTube VR is a major addition to the Oculus Quest platform and opens up a large amount of content to explore. Google and others have made great strides over the last few years optimizing ...
此外,Oculus还增加了“定制环境功能”,用户可以设计出专属自己的Home社区。 VRPinea独家点评:都可以来回串门了,这个设计真的很“社交”。 谷歌宣布《YouTube VR》加入Quest首发阵营,带来100多万部VR视频 今日,谷歌正式宣布旗下产品《YouTube VR》将加入Quest首发阵营。YouTube VR支持360度、180度视频,以及传统的2D...
今日谷歌和Facebook确认,YouTube VR将登陆Oculus Quest VR一体机平台。 YouTube VR将加入Job Simulator和Tilt Brush的行列成为谷歌系Ouest的首发游戏。而来自其VR工作室Owlchemy Labs的最新VR游戏Vacation Simulator将于今年晚些时候登陆Oculus Quest。 虽然用户可以通过Oculus浏览器访问YouTube,但专用的VR应用程序能给用户...
Oculus Quest's YouTube App Gets Hand Tracking David Heaney 10 December 2020 Share to Reddit Share to Twitter Share to Facebook