This Mandarin YouTube channel is the most similar to Ms. Rachel’s Songs for Littles. She speaks very slowly, deliberately over-enunciates, and uses hand gestures to help toddlers learn new words. Only some subtitles are provided in simplified Chinese.Watch 悦儿姐姐 in Chinese onYouTube. 米宝...
Ms. Rachel uses her bright and cheery nature to employ techniques "recommended by speech therapists and early childhood experts to help children learn important milestones and preschool skills," the channel reports. With the help of Ms. Rachel, your little one will be mastering their first words...
YouTube TV vs Hulu Live In 2024, YouTube TV's most popular show became a children's program: Ms. Rachel. The show has an interactive format and educational content for preschoolers and toddlers. As of January 2025, the channel had 12.8 million subscribers and 9,397,575,393 views, with ...
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Molly Mulshine
Global TV, 2022 Feb 12, “Superbugs: The global health crisis that threatens modern medicine“ Here are a bunch of other resources, articles, videos, etc I found & enjoy. Time Health Care 50 (2018?),Steffanie Strathdee, Solving Superbugs(K’s note:I added important and useful links to th...
这个惊人的数字得益于YouTube创作者的广度和深度。他们制作发布的内容涵盖各种类型,从米歇尔·卡瑞的动作冒险,到Ms. Rachel这样的儿童早教节目,再到Hot Ones和已成经典的《早间趣味秀》(Good Mythical Morning,简称GMM)等脱口秀和喜剧节目,可谓受众广泛,包罗万象。
“The Ann Ziety Show”:Created by GraveRobber Productions, the animated comedy series for school-age kids and tweens follows the soap opera adventures of preteen Rachel (singer-songwriter Julia Michaels) and her imaginary frenemy Ann Ziety (actor Gina Rodriguez) using humor and empathy to ...
这个惊人的数字得益于YouTube创作者的广度和深度。他们制作发布的内容涵盖各种类型,从米歇尔·卡瑞的动作冒险,到Ms. Rachel这样的儿童早教节目,再到Hot Ones和已成经典的《早间趣味秀》(Good Mythical Morning,简称GMM)等脱口秀和喜剧节目,可谓受众广泛,包罗万象。
4.AccurateEnglish与Rachel's English 两个老牌王者,只要学英语就会知道她俩,全世界传播度最高的English...